Photo of me and my cat, Fritzy
Me and my cat, Fritzy

aboutMe :=

I'm a software engineer from Philadelphia (Go birds 🦅) with a love of building things that make people's lives easier. I've primarly worked in the web world, from crafting CSS to managing deployments in kubernetes. I definitely lean towards the backend, but I like to be flexible and help where it's needed.

In my free time I enjoy boardgames (My current favorite is the Slay the Spire Boardgame) and playing my guitar. I also have a love of mechanical keyboards (Linear switches are where it's at)

The picture is of me and my cat Fritzy. He followed me home and is the sweetest little man I know.

currentProjects :=


PHLask is an application that aims to make finding free resources easier. We are almost finished with our v2 application that will allow for people to search for water, foraging, food, and clothing


Forkd is a collaborative recipe application that aims to be “Github for cooking”. All recipes are made up of one or more revisions. Users can “fork” another recipe at a particular revision, which will save a copy to their account. That allows them to start creating new revisions but still retain the backlink to the “forked” recipe.